Canadian actress sues film company over gruesome injury on set of horror flick

 A Canadian actress is suing for damages after she suffered a gruesome injury while making a horror film. Taylor Hickson, 20, fell through a glass door while on the set of the movie Ghostland in December 2016.
She claims the director Pascal Laugier told her to pound harder on glass during the "emotionally-charged" scene. It suddenly smashed causing Hickson to fall through the shattered glass, cutting her face and upper body. She has now filed a lawsuit against Incident Productions, the company behind the film, claiming a loss of income as a result of the disfiguring injury. Mr Laugier is not named in the lawsuit.

"She went through so many napkins, there was so much blood."
Hickson was required special treatment including laser and silicone surgery since the incident.
But she says the accident has left her with "mass amounts of insecurity."
The lawsuit claims she may require further plastic surgery to repair the scars.
In a twist of irony, the film poster for Ghostland features a woman with a fractured face.
It is due to be released in France next week.
Incident Productions did not respond to a request for comment from Deadline.

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