Evil stepdad fathered EIGHT children with underage daughters he raped and abused for years

An evil stepdad raped and abused his two daughters for years, fathering eight children by them, a court has heard. The disturbing case came before a jury in the Queens district of New York. The man denied raping the girls repeatedly when they were under the age of 15 between 2005 and 2008.
He was found guilty following a trial in which the girls' mother gave evidence for the defence, the New York Daily News reports. She said she had not witnessed any of the offending, while the man tried to convince jurors the victims had consented. The abuse only came to light when the older sibling raised the alarm at school and police were brought in. The stepdad, who has not been named to protect his victims, will be sentenced next month and faces 175 years in jail, the Daily News reports.

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